JCAF Community

Jason Chambers and Friends unites nine visionary artists from around the world on an enthralling journey of artistic brilliance and camaraderie. Jason Chambers, the mindful maestro of cubism, leads the project alongside EarthExit from Dublin, Ireland and a lineup of remarkable artists including Aaron Miller from England, Eyes Wide Crypto with a unique lens, Freakland Mamma, Iranian-born and living in Italy, spreading a joyful soul, Mel Hearts portraying beauty and pain in a playful way, Samuel incorporating native themes from Nigeria and Cam Smith capturing the vibrant essence of urban life.

  • Jason Chambers

    Born: Aiken, South Carolina
    Styles: Cubism, abstraction, & Surrealism
    Inspired Artists: Picasso, Dali, Alexandra Nechita, Christopher Mudgett
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  • Freakland Mamma

    Born: Tehran, Iran
    Currently Living in: Italy
    Styles: Cubism, Abstract, Psychedelic, Expressionism
    Inspired Artists: Picasso
    Twitter | Instagram

  • Edub

    Born: 1989
    Currently Living in: Georgia, Us
    Styles: Abstract, Expressionism
    Inspired Artists: Jean Basquiat and Picasso
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  • Earthexit

    Born: Dublin, Ireland
    Currently Living in: Dublin, Ireland
    Styles: Abstract, Cubism, Fantasy
    Inspired Artists: Consciousness
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  • Aaron Miller

    Born: UK
    Currently Living in: UK
    Styles: Abstract, cubism, expressionism and fan art
    Inspired Artists: Picasso
    Twitter | Instagram

  • Samueldele92

    Born: 1992
    Currently Living in: Nigeria
    Styles: Abstract, Cubism
    Inspiration: My style of art depicts the subject(s) in a dynamic way by assembling volumes and planes (geometric shapes) expressively, where the background and foreground are merged together to provoke emotions.
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  • Mel Hearts

    Born 1981 - Seattle - Washington
    Currently living : Mayberry, NC
    Styles: all of them yes all
    Inspired Artists: All of them, I feel strongly for Munch and Van Gough But love them ALL.
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  • streekidcam

    Born: 1992
    Currently Living in: Baltimore Md
    Styles: Expressionist, Abstract, Cubist
    Inspired Artists: Doze Green, Miya Bailey, Alex Grey
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